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Cabana is a series of open-source interfaces for interacting with the PoolTogether protocol.
Last updated
Cabana is a series of open-source interfaces for interacting with the PoolTogether protocol.
Last updated
Throughout these docs you will find information, explanations, examples, guides and FAQs for each of the Cabana interfaces, as well as some high level coverage of the PoolTogether protocol. Check out each of these below:
This is the open source, decentralized and permissionless prize-linked savings protocol that powers Cabana! Learn more about it below, or head to the protocol's dev docs to find out how its inner workings operate.
This is the app to deposit, withdraw and manage your balances within PoolTogether V5.
These are extensions to the main Cabana app, in order to make the most out of different functionality from the PoolTogether protocol.
Learn about what delegations entail and how to manage yours.
The Basics
Learn the basics of how the PoolTogether protocol works.
V5 Changes
See how PoolTogether V5 is different from its previous iteration.
A Brief History
Feeling nostalgic? Have a glimpse at some of the protocol's historical events.
Learn how to run your own bots to earn rewards from the protocol.
Find answers to common questions about the protocol here.
Prize Yield
Learn about how the app displays vaults and their chances to win prizes.
Vault Lists
Read about how the app empowers discoverability while keeping users safe.
Bonus Rewards
Check out everything you need to know about bonus reward programs.
View quick guides to some of the app's main functionality.
Cabana Factory
Learn about the tool for creating new PoolTogether prize vaults.
Cabana Lists
Learn about the tool for creating, editing and sharing PoolTogether prize vaults.
Learn about the analytics app to view the status and health metrics of the PoolTogether protocol.
Design Tools
Check out UI kits and guidelines used throughout PoolTogether and the Cabana apps.
View quick guides to some of the functionality of our Cabana Tools.