
Learn about the analytics app to view the status and health metrics of the PoolTogether protocol.

Cabanalytics is the interface to keep track of the many pieces that make up the PoolTogether protocol, and to ensure it is behaving as expected. It is split into the following pages:

  • Stats: Some general stats about the current state of a prize pool.

  • Draws: An overview of the status of every draw.

  • Liquidations: Stats on recent liquidation transactions for every prize vault.

  • Prizes: Stats on the prizes claimed for every draw.

See below for more in-depth descriptions of the data displayed in each page.


This page displays some high level stats of the protocol. These may not be as accurate as more specific stats, but provide a broad overview of the protocol's usage, growth, etc.


This page displays stats for every past and current draws. This includes the following for each draw:

Draw Status

A draw's lifecycle proceeds as follows:

"Open" -> "Closed" -> "Awarded" -> "Finalized"

If the draw is not awarded within a period's length after its closure, it will be displayed in the interface as "Skipped".

Time Since Last Status Change

This stat reflects the time since the draw's status last changed. If the draw is closed but not awarded, for example, it will display the time since it was closed.

Prize Summary

This is a quick summary of the prizes awarded and claimed for the draw, if any.

The "prizes" stat displays how many prizes are available in every tier except the last (canary) tier.

The "claimed" stat displays how many of the prizes above were actually claimed.

If any canary tier prizes are claimed, the percentage claimed will be displayed below. This is relevant since the number of prize tiers will automatically increase if enough canary tier prizes are claimed.

Claim Fees Summary

This section shows the prize claim transaction with the lowest fee, highest fee, as well as the average fee throughout the draw. This is the percentage of prizes that was given to bots spending gas to claim prizes.

Liquidation Efficiency Summary

This section shows the liquidation transaction with the lowest efficiency, highest efficiency, as well as the average liquidation efficiency throughout the draw. The higher the efficiency displayed here, the more WETH value was contributed to the prize pool based on the yield being produced by prize vaults.

RNG Reward

The RNG reward is the amount of WETH awarded to the bot or user that generates the RNG necessary to award a PoolTogether draw.

If a draw is closed and ready to be awarded but the RNG for a given draw has not been generated yet, this section will display the current reward being offered, which will increase over time.

Award Reward

The award reward is the amount of WETH awarded to the bot or user that awards the PoolTogether draw by using the previously generated RNG.

If the RNG has been generated but the draw has not been awarded yet, this section will display the current reward being offered, which will increase over time.


This page displays stats for each liquidation pair contract with recent liquidation transactions, where yield from each vault is swapped for WETH and contributed to the prize pool.

For each liquidation pair, the following is shown:

Yield Auctioned

This is the amount of yield recently auctioned (swapped for WETH).

Average Liquidation Price

This is the average rate at which the vault's yield was auctioned off for WETH.

Current Available Yield

This is the amount of yield currently available to be auctioned off.

Average Efficiency

This section displays how the value from liquidations is distributed. The more percentage of that value that is directed to prizes, the more efficient liquidations are.

A healthy protocol state is one where efficiency is as close as possible to 100%. Bots performing liquidations, however, need to pay for gas fees, and thus should be compensated to at least break even.

It is technically possible, however, to have more than 100% efficiency if bots (or more likely, users) are performing liquidations at a loss. This means that the rate of liquidations, minus gas costs, is not worth the amount of WETH they are spending.


This page displays prize information for any awarded draw. The chart in this page displays the duration of the draw from when it is closed to when it is finalized, showing when it was awarded and the cumulative average claim fees of each prize tier over time.

More granular prize information is split into individual prize tiers. For each tier, if any prizes were awarded, the page displays the following:

Prize Size

This is the full size of the prize at the given tier. It does not take into account potential fees taken by bots claiming prizes for other users.

Prizes Claimed

This is the number of prizes claimed, out of the available total number of prizes.

Claim Fees

This section shows the claim transaction with the highest fee, lowest fee, and average fee throughout the given draw.

Claim Time

This section shows the fastest and slowest claim transaction times since the draw was awarded, as well as an average time to claim each prize in the tier.

Last updated