Deploying a Liquidation Pair

After a prize vault has been deployed, we need to configure a few things related to how that vault liquidates yield. The factory app will prompt you to do this directy after you deploy a prize vault, but you can also do it after the fact via its dashboard.

To configure your liquidation pair you will need to set its auction period, smoothing factor and first auction price.

The defaults set by the factory app are in most cases good enough, and you can always swap out the liquidation pair as long as you have ownership of your vault, but if you have any questions about what these specific values mean refer to PoolTogether's dev docs or come by our Discord to ask them!

Once you are happy with your settings, deploy your liquidation pair by clicking "Deploy Liquidation Pair".

The factory app will prompt you to set your newly deployed liquidation pair to your prize vault. Simply click "Set Liquidation Pair" to do so.

Last updated