Deploying a Prize Vault
To configure and deploy your own prize vault, first find the address of the yield source you want to use (if you need ideas, the ERC-4626 Alliance keeps a large list of compliant yield sources).
Navigate to, connect your wallet and click on "Deploy a Prize Vault".
Select the network your yield source is on and click "Next".
Enter the yield source name, paste its address and click "Next".
On this next step you can configure your vault's owner and fee settings.
Just want a standard prize vault owned by the currently connected wallet, and no fee? Just skip this step by clicking "Next".
Your prize vault now needs a name and a symbol! You can choose anything you'd like, but there is value in naming consistency, as it helps users recognize PoolTogether prize assets in other apps or contexts. With that in mind, here are our recommended token branding guidelines. Once you're happy with your naming scheme, click "Next".
Each prize vault requires a claimer contract. The factory app automatically assigns a default claimer, which is sufficient for 99% of vault deployers and already recognized by many prize claiming bots. If you have a very custom claiming UX in mind and would like to set a custom claimer contract, this is the place to do it. Otherwise, just click "Next".
There is now an extra step to define your yield buffer - a small amount of tokens used to avoid potential rounding errors throughout your vault's normal operations. The default value is most likely enough for most scenarios, but if you believe the yield source you are using is likely to have bigger losses, a larger amount may be used.
In the last step, all your configurations are gathered into a preview. Review the settings, and if everything looks good, click "Deploy Vault". This will trigger a transaction in your wallet.
Once the vault deployment transaction has been confirmed onchain, the factory app will lead you to configure and deploy a liquidation pair.
Last updated